Thursday, December 15, 2011

Fair Debt Collection Practices Part I of V

Its 7 am on a Sunday morning..... you are lying cozily in your bed when the cell phone next to your pillow starts its annoying ringing and vibration.....  Your bleary eyes pick it up to look and its the dreaded unknown 800-NUMBER.  You groan with disgust, turn off the phone roll over hoping they won't call back.  But they do.  Again, and again..... and again.....

Stay tuned readers as I take you through the myriad of tactics used by Debt Collectors to revive debts which are older than four years old for which they no longer have a right to sue you to recover..... the illegal phone calls threatening arrests, the lies..... the fake lawsuits..... 

Stay tuned to find out legally what they can do and what rights you have to stop harassment so you can answer your phone again!

Have a great weekend friends......


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